Thursday, May 28, 2009


I had planned to write a romantic recap of our Memorial Day vacation on Camano Island, but instead I need to write about poop.

Cora has been potty training lately, something we didn't anticipate we would start at quite such a young age. However, she's shown such an interest in it that we're just moving forward without a lot of pomp and circumstance.

Until today. I think we've had enough pomp around this circumstance to last me for quite awhile.

Today, we had some friends visit for lunch. I was grilling the cheese sandwiches and we kept checking on the kids. At one point the oldest girl said, "Cora went poop!" And my friend said, "You know, she's not wearing a diaper."

I had dressed her in a sundress, without a onesie or a pair of bloomers. I had worried for a moment that perhaps this wasn't such a smart idea because her diaper was so easy to access and take off.

And then, while making sandwiches, I remember overhearing Cora say something about poo poo, but instead of sweeping out to the living room and carrying her off to her potty like a great mom should, I got distracted and layered cheese on bread.

My friend remembers taking Cora's diaper from the living room floor and putting it in Cora's room because she thought I had hurriedly changed her on the carpet and forgot to put the wrap in the diaper bin.

Hmm. Mental note to pay attention to such concerns next time.

Cora had been running blissfully through the house with an exposed bottom. While stacking blocks with the girls, she produced a nice little well-formed poop on our rug, which I found snuggled neatly between a block, a ram, and a cow.

The very worst part of it was that we started a search through the house for errant pieces, and found one smashed between the palms of a confused 14-month-old friend.


Have you ever had a friend over to lunch and inadvertently fed them poop? I didn't think so. We are all crossing our fingers that the substance didn't transfer from hand to mouth.

After a wild search through the house, copious hand and feet washing, and a lot of exclamations, we all sat around the picnic table and ate lunch.

Aren't you hungry now?



My son is now four and a half, but way back when we began to have the potty training discussions and such, I was still a fairly single mom. His (now) father has just entered the picture and potty training isn't the most glamorous of you-love-me- now-love-my-child sorts of events. As such, there was confusion with my son because my biological parts are not the same as his.

Well, the Barracuda quite loudly informed a man standing behind us in line at the grocery store "Mommy doesn't have a penis." The very shocked stranger, and the entire very shocked group of onlookers, all turned to me as if I was going to have something profound to add or possibly to expose myself as verification. Needless to say it was rather mortifying as well, but now I have a great story when he graduates high school, gets married, or decides to bring home a girl I despise.

Just think of it as parental ammunition at worst and a funny anecdote at the best. :)

Granola Girl

Dream. Imagine. Happen said...

Oh, how funny! You made me laugh out loud. A friend recently told me that their daughter saw her dad naked for the first time and she said, "Mama girl, Dada tail." (She's two years old.) I had a good laugh over that, too. Yes, these potty training/learning to talk days are going to be quite entertaining!


Oh that is great! When the Barracuda saw Jules (now Dad) naked for the first time he was about 3 and said with astonishment "Wow, Jules! You have a really big penis!"

He had never seen a naked man before.

It still makes laugh!

The kid thing only gets better and better as they get older!


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