Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

You know how sometimes you start the day feeling so totally energized and alive, ready for anything? That's not how I started this year. I think of it as more of a slow roll into a new phase, sort of like hitting the snooze button a hundred times and then grumpily getting out of bed and being dissatisfied with what's for breakfast. It's too bad, I felt like I had a lot of momentum going there for awhile. This week ain't it.

I made a few resolutions this year. One of the main ones is to let go of the past and forgive people who need to be forgiven. I've always wondered about that--can you forgive without forgetting? I've decided it is possible, after going through a similar process with my dad, but for some odd reason it was easier to do that with my dad than it is to do with other people in my life. Anyway, I actually wrote a stupendously long post about this whole topic earlier this week but then deleted it. Writing it was helpful, it reminded me of a few things about myself. The main gist of my goals for this year, though, are to let go of old crap that holds me down, and to try to do a better job of moving through life with kindness and grace and honesty, while keeping my focus on people's best selves.

How's that for a mini post about a micro personal issue?

I'm excited about this year, and am wishing all of you a very happy transition to '09!

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