Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We interrupt our normally scheduled programming to bring you this message: It appears, afterall, that sun does indeed exist in the Northwest. Please enjoy it while you can. Popcorn with extra butter will be provided when it starts raining and you return to reality.

Seriously, people, it is beautiful outside. A blissful, gorgeous reminder of why we live here in the first place.

Things to do in the sun:
*Jump in leftover puddles and watch the spray form mini rainbows.
*Climb on every play structure in the city.
*Throw rocks in clear ocean water.
*Go hiking.
*Build sand castles.
*Wave at the birds.
*Have a picnic (or two).
*Take a day trip (try the 4,000-acre waterfront park at Deception Pass).
*Collect handfuls of miniature daisies and put them in your pockets.
*Wave at everyone.
*Stay outside all day.
*Plan a camping trip.
*Peel away each day looking for summer.

1 comment:

oma said...

sigh. i'm ready for my buttery popcorn now. those few blissful days did give me hope that spring will eventually come and stay, though.


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