Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More soon...

I've been working on some other things lately and have fallen behind on these posts. I feel like I've lost touch with a dear friend! I'm hoping to write a few more words tomorrow. But the main thing I wanted to tell you about briefly (in the tiny amount of time I have before Cora wakes up from her late afternoon nap) is this running monologue that's been going through my head of all the things I wish for Cora in her lifetime. There are so many. As we drive from one place to another, I find myself daydreaming about the bullet points, trying to narrow in on the big themes.

It's been an interesting exercise in thinking about the things that are most valuable to me, something that of course it would seem I should know by heart but the points of which are more apparent when I imagine what I most want for my daughter. If that makes any sense. I think there is often a concern about losing ourselves in our children, especially during these early years, but I have been finding many moments when I wouldn't otherwise have considered one point or another unless I was looking through the eyes of a parent. The other stuff gets stripped away and I'm able to be more forgiving, hopeful, dreamy, practical...motherly, I suppose, than I am when I consider the world and my place in it.

Also, I would like it if you could please send Cora any healthy sleeping vibes you might have under your hat. She woke at 12:30, 3:30, and 5:30 this morning and I spent several bleary-eyed but nevertheless cuddly visits with her in the rocking chair. We checked with her doctor to make sure things were a-okay (considering that this past weekend followed a similarly difficult path), and discovered that she is cutting yet one more molar. She has teeth coming in everywhere and runs around the house with her hand in her mouth saying Owwww or else being quite whiny. B and I are therefore very tired, and I'm just thankful my view from my chair shows a bit of blue sky and sun. Perhaps we'll have a short reprieve from this silly wintry spring.

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